An emergency key box is indicated by the signal colour red. Emergencies occur and require rapid action. For example, a security door must be unlocked or an alarm siren that has accidentally triggered an alarm must be switched off quickly. It is then important to act quickly so that no valuable time is lost.
The key for these emergencies must be available immediately, without having to search for it. At the same time, the keys are securely locked in the emergency key box so that they are safe from unauthorized access.
With an emergency key box from Rottner, you ensure that you can cope with any tricky situation and that you can open every door immediately. If necessary, emergency key boxes can also be knocked in with an emergency hammer. Take care of your own safety and make sure you install an emergency key box on your building!
An emergency key box is indicated by its red paint. Emergencies occur and action must be taken quickly. The color red signal makes the emergency key box stand out immediately. For example, a security door must be unlocked or an alarm siren that has triggered an alarm by mistake must be quickly shut down. This means acting fast, so that no valuable time is lost and the key to help with these emergencies must be immediately available, without having to be searched.
At the same time, however, the keys are also securely locked so that they are safe from outside access.
With an emergency key box by Rottner Security, you ensure that you are able to cope with every tricky situation and can immediately open any door. If necessary, emergency key boxes can also be hammered in by means of an emergency hammer. Take care of your own safety and make sure you attach an emergency key box to your building.
Also contact the Rottner Security staff, who will be happy to advise and answer your questions.
Red is a signal colour and it means "attention". The red emergency key box can be easily discovered due to its striking colour. When an emergency occurs, there is no time to waste. The rescue forces should be able to rush to the site quickly and not have to search for a key box.
Do not hide and camouflage the emergency key box, but install it in a place that allows barrier-free access. The emergency key box should be clearly visible so that the emergency services can quickly detect it. Think about your safety - an emergency key case can save lives and is not expensive to purchase.
Commercial use
• Easy access without obstacles (if possible no stairs, accessibility)
• Good visibility, do not hide
There does not have to be a catastrophe right away, but it would be annoying if, for example, a false fire alarm causes unnecessary long noise.
If necessary, the emergency key boxes equipped with glass windows can also be hammered in with an emergency hammer to get the necessary keys.