As soon as your payment has been received by us, your order will be dispatched. You can send us proof of payment for faster processing. We will send you an order confirmation once your order has been processed. Secure payment.
The most widely used online payment solution. We process local and international credit cards, with a variety of fraud protection mechanisms in place to protect you against charge-backs.
Instant EFT enables buyers to make payments with traditional internet banking with SA's four biggest banks. The electronic funds transfer (EFT) gets verified instantly. No two day waiting period, no proof of payment required and no disclosing of financial information.
You pay the amount due in advance via a bank transfer directly to our bank account. We will immediately process your order. Once your payment has been received, your order will be sent. You can send us proof of payment for faster processing.
*Always state the order number as a reference so that we can link your payment to the correct order.
1. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing all Goods have to be paid in full before delivery by EFT, credit card or debit card, cash, without set-off, deduction or bank charges, and we may ask for a deposit depending on the size and time frame of order.
2. If you fail to make any payment on the due date in full then we reserve the right to:
2.1. Cancel the Contract or suspend further deliveries to you;
2.2. Appropriate any payment already made by you to such of the Goods or any costs we have incurred by such time, as we may think fit; and
2.3. Charge you interest on the amount unpaid, at the rate of 3% per annum above the repo rate from time to time, until payment is made in full, such interest to be calculated daily and compounded monthly.
Call: 076 301 6172
Find us here:
The Safe Shop, Unit 28, Plantation Centre, Plantation Road, Ottery Cape Town 7800, South Africa